Product Description
Baby Gerb FX Continuous Flow Confetti Blower Launcher Machine

The Baby Gerb Confetti Blower is always a favorite for Special Effects FX and designed for small or moderate size venues.
This is a smaller style, Baby Gerb Confetti Machine and Blower, it offers multi level launch positions at different angles set by the user.
The Baby Gerb Continuous Flow Confetti Blower easily moves around and can even sit on a table or a stage floor. It provides a spectacular "Confetti Special Effect" in a small package.
The GERB like horn in this video is angled down for use in a lower ceiling (12'-15’ high) Sized venue.
The CONFETTI flies out around 25’-30' Up, Even farther when used across the room
The GERB horns can be positioned more straight up to use in a bigger or larger room with a higher ceiling. CONFETTI can shoot as high as 40’-50' into the air with this Continuous Flow launcher.
The Baby Gerb Confetti Hopper can hold up to 1 lb of CONFETTI. You can either push the control button down and hold it, for a full Release, and all the CONFETTI will fly out in a continuous Flow, or you can Push and Release the control button up to 5 times, releasing the confetti each time for short bursts.
The control unit has two electrical plugs in on the units so you could have 2 Baby Gerbs controlled on one unit.
The control unit and the hose is sold separately. You can order the hose any length you require.
It is simple to operate, The Baby Gerb uses a liquid siphon Co2 Tank, and electricity (Electrical Plug 110Volt.
With The Baby Gerb Continuous Flow Confetti Blower, you can use either a 5 lb tank (which lasts 10 seconds), 20 lb tank (which lasts 40 sections or 50 lb which lasts 2 minutes) deepening on how long you want the effect to last.
The Control Unit (Sold separately) - Baby Gerb FX Continuous Flow Confetti Blower
Call us at 813-720-0409 for more information, or email us at
To Purchase Regular Tissue Confetti in Bulk or By The Pound CLICK HERE
To Purchase Metallic Confetti in Bulk or By The Pound, CLICK HERE